I got stuck of words when I saw a post on this platform as regard the disrepair status of the Students Parliamentary Council of Tasued. Check http://www.theowlcampus.com/tasued-student-union-parliamentary-chamber-or-shame-bar/  This was at a time when I was still holding my own pen firmly to touch naivety of the UBUNTU regime.

I have found complete failure on the part of the Students Parliamentary Council(SPC), the organ which is expected to be the most influential arm in the school unionism, but it is so only on paper. The legislative room which has been turned to a relaxation centre where students charge their phones and meet their boyfriends and girlfriends. The council gave me the surprise of my life when it locked up the room because a phone that belong to one of the senators was stolen in the process of charging in what hit up to a bunfight in the Student Union Building(SUB).

In the recent days, I have found it difficult to distinguish 'check and balance' and antagonism between the executive and the legislative arms of the students union. I haven't seen nor heard the Parliamentary Council 2016/17 make any laudable achievement since its inception rather it has been playing the game of what suits the interest of their pocket.
I have studied the current 'UBUNTU' administration and I see it's lapses mostly from the legislator. This does not mean I am exonerating the executives but truth need be told.
On the other hand it's significant that I mention the shortcoming of the administration which is in the manner in which it has adhered itself to the school management. I have learnt in this world that the moment you acquaint yourself with your enemy, you are already on the part of losing, cause it will expose you only to the good side of the enemy and blindfold you from the ugly part.

The father of modern politics, Machiavelli Niccolo, did stated that a good leader must possess two characters; being feared and being loved, and that if he has to choose just one of the two, then he should be feared. Sad as it is, the administration has lost its stand on both basis.
I must confess that at the beginning of its regime, it enjoyed the love of the students and the management did feared it. Unfortunately, time has switched the hand of things and the regime is now enjoying the love of its enemy and the students whom its leads now fear it, alas!
However,all is not lost. If the UBUNTU regime still want to regain the lost fame then I will impel it to quickly do three things.
Firstly, the president with few of his loyalists in the executive should sit with the leadership of the Parliamentary Council to eliminate all form of caucus interest and plan towards a collective goal. I have said this on previously on this platform at http://www.theowlcampus.com/students-union-the-lost-heritage/
Secondly, it should detach itself from unnecessary familiarity with the management. As long as the students see UBUNTU move closer to the management, the more they lose their belief in the regime.
Finally, the UBUNTU regime should make its priority right. Its should pay attention to welfarism. It's so sad that students in the school area spends hours at business centre to charge their lamps and phones before they will be able to read. It's unfortunate that UBUNTU didn't look into this until NUESSA took interest in the matter. This Regine should stop all futile meetings and attend to issues strategically in the way it should. When there is no electricity, water supply becomes a problem. This is the time to stop unnecessary dialogue, face PHCN squarely, come down closer to your followers and you will realise there are more issues that need attention than protesting against hiked fees with no result to show. This is #MyThought today

Written by Soneye Abdul-Azeez Lekan
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