The Hitting Fire At TASUED

To silent the critics who have been throwing accusations at me for not saying anything on the issue of Save TASUED And Fund Education Coalition(STAFEC), I will declare my stance here and make my opinions known. Of all messages have received, the one which is of interest to me the most is the words of one Mr. FABULOUS which says "If you remain silent on the part of justice, you are already on the side of the oppressors", and I wouldn't deny that am only responding because of this and I'm going to give my response according to his words.
  As a students, it should interest me to understand the situation of things before jumping into action so the captive won't end up as the captors' machinery. To start with, I will outline the cause of the grievance of the students

-The increment in Acceptance Fee from #30,000 To #40,000
-School fees #76,500
-Increment of Vocational Studies Fee from #1000 to #25,000
-#10,100 tax clearance which students are enforced to pay to the state government.
-And exorbitant penalty fee of #20,000 for late submission of green file, after all the excessive previous payments have been made. More so, students who haven't met up with these requirement were deprived of writing their exams.
  And the Students Union has since then began a peaceful protest for these reasons.

It's so sad that the educational managers in this country has turned our institutions to a means of extorting students and making billions into their own accounts. In a bid to cover their nasty 'law' the Vocational Studies Fee was renamed to Registration Fee. Unfortunately, the school management has failed to give satisfactory explanation to the increment that met the Registration Fee from #1000 to #25,000, what registration would cost that much?
So unbearable is the fact that the school management has turned the students union government to the opposite of what it is meant to be. And should the union leaders come up with a plan, only for the mole within them to divulge it to the "Constituted Authority", as they call themselves. In the end, they will offer peanuts to the leaders to keep their mouth sealed in a "take it or leave it" way, and if anyone of them try to reject the offer, he is joking with his certificate.
This is the case of Ewetola Abdulramon, a 400-level student of the Department of Agricultural Economics who has just been given a session suspension for leading peaceful protest. It interest me to tell the world that the protest was not even conducted in the campus, only in the communities around the school. Maybe the 'Constituted Authority' will come out and address us to the section of the 1999 constitution which goes against peaceful protest.
 The SUG President, Sanni Rahmon Adeyemi while addressing Sahara Reporter team said, “Students are being extorted and the rate of extortion is too high. Newly admitted students into undergraduate programmes pay [an] acceptance fee of 40,000, tuition fees of 76,500 and additional tax clearance of 10,000.”
This gives a proper explanation to why all principals of higher institutions stood against the Treasury Single Account.

Unfortunately, this is an institution of education where we expect our future teachers to be groomed to be the best in class academically and morally, and for the management of such institution to be found in gloomy of barbaric act, that says a lot about the legacy the future generation of students will receive since their teacher are being trained by the uncouth.

On the part of the government, the school hasn't received a dime from the state government in the last twenty four months. I wouldn't have acted wield on this part because of the claim of the state governor that the economy is so bad that the financial status of the state is not buoyant enough to run two state universities. I had agreed with him until last week when week when a proposed a bill to change the state polytechnic to a degree awarding institution and which was later passed into law by the house of assembly, of course, this is another story to come on MyThought. But the lacrimoso we are singing is the insistence of the #10,100 tax levied on all admitted student by a government which has no contribution to the finance of the school, there wouldn't be a worse fub.

My stance, I have not held the baton firmly along with my colleagues because there are too many moles in the unionism. We cannot be too sentimental to exonerate our fellow comrades who hide under the facade of been students activist only to end up submitting to the will of the oppressors for as less as a thousand naira. These are the leaders of tomorrow indeed. It's so sad that there have just been less than seventy comrades physically on ground so far going round on the protest rally. There are nothing less than 50 comrades in each of the five colleges of the school serving currently, this is exclude the numbers of comrades who head their departmental leadership. This shows we are our own problem. Until the moles are separated from the honesty ones, our plan shall continue to fall behind expectations. We can't continue to cover our own part to injustice and degradation of our nation only to put all blames on the government. The leaders of today has failed to train us well but we can do that ourselves.
However, I always appreciate the braving of the few leaders who has continued to stand firmly for the reasons there were elected, I stand with you and we shall meet there at Oke Mosan come Monday. My advice goes thus, being the oppressed doesn't always make you right nor does being the majority make you win, but fighting for your right in the right manner along with the right mind and right people will always do. But when the government is not listening, and the management is not willing, who will #SaveTasued?


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