Where is my president?

It wouldn't surprise me by now if I start seeing condolence messages as regard our president by this day since the presidency is keeping unnecessary silence. It's high time Mr president came out live on TV station and address the nation. Nigeria is a country of about two hundred millions of population of people, and the President staying abroad for too long than necessary for no acceptable reason is unwarranted. Truly Mr Buhari is a citizen and does deserve privacy and should enjoy every civil right such as freedom to talk when he wish and to keep mute at will. But the truth has to be told and reality need to be faced. Mr Buhari need to realise that the moment he became the President of this country, he ceases to be an ordinary man and his privacy won't be no more totally guaranteed. The affairs of this nation for the next two years lies within his decision and by implication the future of every Nigerian.

We should not play mind politics at the expense of our survival, not a time when Nigeria is facing his worst economic condition ever. If Mr President is doing well and agile, then he should come out live and let the world see it to be so. The presidency can't be feeding us with unwanted messages and expect Nigerians to go with it. Truly Professor Osinbajo has been the 'caretaker' to the office of the President since he has left for vacation in line with section 145 of the 1999 constitution. But how well can a 'caretaker' take perfect control over a property when the owner has not been relinquished of ownership? If in the presence of President Buhari and with support of vice-president Osinbajo Nigeria is not in any way better then we should expect worse when Vice-president Osinbajo is acting on behalf of the President at the same time taking responsibility for his constitutional office. And evidently, the situation of things at present time says it all. This is a democratic era and we have the right to make our grievance known which must be duly responded to in the right manner.

The never ending vacation is becoming precarious. It's is ridiculous and demeaning of the presidency to speak out loud that Mr president is enjoying nice time at a far away country while the people that elected him are battling for survival in this bad economic recession under the insecurity we find ourselves. We need him to come out and address the issue of the massacre of our Christians by herdsmen. We didn't vote for a nomad who is always out there to find settlement wherever he find security and food. I have said previously in the first part of this article that Mr president is only showcasing his own incapability by traveling abroad for medical checkup. He set up the current leadership of the ministry of health and as well provided for its finances, so travelling abroad with the nation's resources for checkup, apparently he do not believes in his own decision.

We are fed up of this sweet mouthed media aides. You didn't find it so difficult to come out live on TV screen and on radio stations when you were seeking for our vote. I wouldn't believe you have become to proud to do that anymore. Sometimes silence is not golden but a signal of nakba . We all deserve your audience. And we do have the right to know if you still have the strength to carry on with the wheel of  Aso Rock.

Soneye Abdul-Azeez Lekan

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